St Neot Taverners Cricket Club
Two Saturday Cornwall League XIs, Womens Softball, Youth Hardball, Dynamos and All Stars for all ages and abilities. https://sntcc.play-cricket.com/home

St Neot AFC
St Neot football club Contact Matt Thornhill for details.
- Beavers, Cubs and Scouts meet weekly. Contact John Body for details.
- The are a range of choirs in the village to suit all styles. St Neot Community singers, Levow Kesson mixed voice choir, Canoryon Lowen, Loveny Male Voice Choir, etc
- Sing and Story baby group. 2nd Tuesday of the month. 10-11:30 in the St Neot Chapel school room.
- The St Neot WI usually meet 2nd Tuesday of every month 7:30pm in the St Neot village hall. President Janina Waterman. Secretary Nicola Tamblyn. New members of guests always welcome.
- Craft and chatter. Meet every 3rd Thursday of the month. 10-12 at the Social Club.
- Caterpillar Club. Meet on the 2nd Monday of every month. Contact Jenny Cook for details.
- St Neot Historians. Meet monthly on the first Monday on the month. Contact Martin Eddy for more details.
- The Welcome Club. Met the last Thursday of the month in the social club at 2:30pm. Everyone welcome. Contact Sheila Worden for more information.
- Bell ringers play in the bell tower on Wednesdays and go on an annual tour. Contact Mark Hayes for more information.
- Whist club. Contact Diana Smith if you want to know more.
- Snooker and Billiards club. Found above the village social club. Get in touch with Mark Gregory.
- Youth club meet in youth room in the village hall on Wednesday evenings for year 6< year 13. 6-9pm. For any questions contact Mark Rodwell.
- Ramblers.
- Short Mat Bowls. Meet in the village hall on Monday afternoons at 2:30pm. All welcome. For more information contact Marion Sargent.
- St Neot Players produce a panto held February half term every year. 2024 was Treasure Island. To join in contact Steve Ashman.